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My Blog

The Seeds We Sow
You know what the solution to any problem is? Gratitude. Thankfulness. Appreciating. Every problem is temporary. Every moment, fleeting....
Apr 13, 2023

5 Steps to a Happy Life
Happiness is a state of being that many of us are searching for. The good news is it's in our control, and there are steps we can take to...
Mar 2, 2023

Faith is Your Fortune
I had no clue how important the concept of faith would become until just a few days ago. I woke up at 3 am on April 15 with my dog, Ezzy,...
Apr 20, 2022

Hold On, It's Coming
Hold on, I’m coming… This is what your desires are saying to you. Unfortunately, we often don’t hear that. What we do is hear the voice...
Feb 2, 2022

The Lion's Den
The fastest way to get anything you desire is to become it. Be like it is. Feel what it feels like and act accordingly. Easier said than...
Oct 13, 2020

The Story of Your Life
To be or not to be, that is the question. Why Shakespeare? Because who we are, what we are being in any moment is creating our life...
Aug 19, 2020

Messages from the Dragonfly
Sitting on my patio the other night, I saw this beautiful dragonfly flutter around the garden and rest on the ground. I was texting with...
Jul 8, 2020

Never abandon yourself.
I am reading this novel, "Where the Crawdads Sing," that I cannot put down. It's not only a murder mystery; it's a coming of age story....
Jun 5, 2020

Be Inspired
I have settled into a nightly ritual during this quarantine and it involves my favorite liquor, vodka.
May 1, 2020

Food for the Soul
This lockdown has us all staying inside and for me, it’s also forcing me to go within more intently. It is an interesting paradox. On one...
Apr 17, 2020

Open the door
The sting of uncertainty. The jolt of the unfamiliar. The silent stab of the unknown.
Apr 1, 2020

Invite in love
I recently had an acupuncture appointment and as I was lying on the table, needles in, I noticed my mind wandering about some things that...
Mar 6, 2020

I Believe in You
There’s a famous quote by Henry Ford that always inspires me…” Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” It reminds me...
Feb 25, 2020

Be in Love with Who You Are
As Valentine’s Day approaches I find myself thinking a lot about “love”. That one word has so many different meanings because it stirs up...
Feb 14, 2020

You Hold the Key
A good friend gave me a necklace for Christmas this year and said when she saw it, she thought of me. It’s a key medallion with the word...
Jan 1, 2020

What I Want, Wants Me
If you realize that you have a new desire…guess what? The mechanics, the path of the how, the when, the where are already in place. It’s...
Dec 2, 2019

Follow Your Bliss
“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.” One of my favorite quotes by Joseph Campbell....
Oct 28, 2019

Some years ago, I had a trip to Florida planned with some friends. A few days before the trip, I had this overwhelming feeling of dread...
Oct 27, 2019

Don’t Make Assumptions
I learned at a very early age to assume things instead of being okay with not knowing and asking for clarification.
Oct 25, 2019
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